Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where can I turn for Peace?

     Let me just start with a shout out to Pesto. I believe that pesto is probably the amongst the greatest things to come out of Italy. I am just amazed at what difference one single scoop can make to a plate of pasta or to a chicken sandwich. I haven't found one yet but as soon as I find a pesto fan page on facebook I will 'like' it to show my loyalty and dedication to this wonderful food. Right so my week had a smashing start... Quite literally. Monday morning for work we loaded up 32 trees that we were to plant that day. Well my assignment was to stand on the truck and unload the trees into the tractor that we were using to put them into the right places. As I was loading one of the bigger trees the weight shifted and it fell into the bucket. I was still holding onto the trunk of the tree when it slammed against the bucket of the tractor. It kinda hurt. I went on and finished loading the other two trees then I decided to have a look at my numb and swollen thumb. Well when I took my glove off my hand was covered with blood. So I showed my supervisor how it trees had smashed my thumb and split the skin and he is a bit queasy so he took me straight to the doctor. On the way the numbness started to wear off and man it hurt like the dickens! Well good news from the doc, it was just a surface cut and although there was some ugly bruising there was no broken bones or fractures. So basically he put a band aid on it and  suggested that my mom should just kiss it better. Really not a riveting story but its one of the best from the week. Tuesday was pioneer day and I just spent the whole day watching Doctor Who ( I was really missing the great ole English accent so I got my fill). Now because we took a day off we did 10 hours days all week instead of 8 so that we could still get 40 hours in. That was a killer for me, but I'm happy to report that I survived. Allow me for a second to go off on a tangent. This week my mother sent me the last two Hunger Games books and I read them both at the expense of some valuable sleeping time. Let me say that the author did an excellent job of keeping me riveted, the plot was a bit predictable but it was exciting to see how it all turned out. However I do have a bone to pick. Maybe its because it was past 3 o'clock in the morning and my brain was a bit fried but I really did not like that ending. It seemed like she was trying to cram to much in at the end while telling it from the perspective of a girl who was under some serious emotional distress and constantly on drugs. Now Katniss Everdeen is a hero of my but I think she was seriously under utilized by District 13 and the rebels. Here is a girl who has serious proven that she is an expert shot with the bow and arrow and they simply dress her up and take pictures. The in here moment of glory running through the streets of Panem's Captiol she still hardly uses the sweet bow made for her AND she still doesn't get to save the day by storming into the mansion and getting the President. One last thing. Peeta? Come on I was cheering for Gale the whole time and at the very end he draws the short stick. Poor guy, I feel for him.
     Reading both book in a matter of a couple of days kinda through off my groove and scripture study but I did have a good insight earlier this week. I was studying scriptures that talk about Christ role as a pre-mortal being. Funny thing my insight had nothing to do with that subject.  In John 16:33 it says, 'These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but behold be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' From this I got Christ was teaching his apostles about the blessing of scriptures. He gives us his teachings (which are revered as scripture) that we can have peace. But peace from what? Well in the world we have tribulation he tells us right afterwards. I can completely testify of that truth. It's has been amazing that when I can home and had different things to worry about then serving as a missionary my thoughts seemed to be a bit more clouded and it was more difficult to focus. However on the other hand when my life was completely dedicated to serving the Lord every waking moment of the day my thoughts seemed to be crystal clear and I remember just knowing what I should do. A great peace of mind. Peace from doubts, worries and just distracting thoughts and the like. This peace from be found from the teachings of Christ. I found this out myself. If I study my scriptures daily then my thoughts are more clear and I have a greater ability to focus. So here is the question that has occupied my mind since Monday. How does it work? How does studying the words of Christ Give you peace of mind? Mosiah 4:3 is a story about how ancient Christians in the Americas also found this peace. 'And it came to pass that after they had spoken these works the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come, according to the words which king Benjamin had spoken unto them.' Look at the effects that the Spirit of the Lord brought with them "They were filled with joy, having received a remission of theirs sins, and having peace of conscience," The Spirit brings this peace to us as we read the scriptures. The Spirit and the scriptures are intended to to hand in hand. 'And the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given of me for your instruction; and the power of my Spirit quickeneth all things.' D&C 33:16. Receiving instruction gives me peace from worries and stress because it helps me know what I need to do. As we read the scriptures the Spirit quickens our understanding and unfolds to us previously unknown mysteries. This also brings me peace because I have a greater understanding and a better view on the bigger picture. I love the direction form the Lord when He tells us to 'let the solemnities of the eternities rest on you mind continually.' This is one of the greatest ways to have peace of mind because we are continually giving and inviting the Spirit to testify of truth. This week I spent way to much time reading the Hunger Games. I didn't read my scriptures and I procrastinated my weekly temple trip. Come weekend my mind was clouded, I spent tons of time pacing and just could concentrate. So I went to the temple wondering to myself 'why am I having a hard time concentrating?' Well the insight I just shared came to mind. It was one of those moments when you just want to smack yourself on the head a say 'well duh! I knew that!' and of course I felt a bit reprimanded. I did know better. Well it was great to take the sacrament today. This is probably a horrible analogy but I felt like a junky going through withdrawals who finally gets another shot. Today was President and Sister Patch's homecoming. It was great to be there with so many great people who I served with in the England London Mission. But the best part was the Spirit that I felt. President Patch once told me in a n interview that the Spirit is the single greatest thing that we will feel in this life. I believe it.
This coming week is going to be interesting. I just realized that my housing contracts have a gap between then so I need to figure out where I'm going to sleep in the intervening times. I hope it works out. I also learned that there is a laser tag place here in Provo so I'm dieing to try it out.

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