It comes as no surprise that the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints is becoming more distasteful to the world at large. As the
world is taking a more “progressive” stance on morality it continues to digress
away from the teaching and admonitions of the Lord. Naturally as the Church
takes an unyielding stance on controversial topics such as gay marriage,
abortion, and morality in general, it is under attack by those who adopt standards of moral relativism. These people often violently and
viciously defend their “rights” to disobey God by attack those who exercise
their right to worship. As members of the Church we will continue to face
opposition and persecution from those who are hell bent on forcing their
philosophy of benign whateverism. We
know from the Doctine and Covenants that in the last days the very elect of God
will be deceived and men’s hearts shall fail them. So what can we do to prevent
this? Lehi’s dream holds all the answers. (1 Nephi Chapter 8)
1. Grab
hold of the rod
In Lehi’s dream there is a large field, in this field are
many paths. One of these paths has an iron rod as a handrail. This is the only
path that led to the tree of life. Our Iron Rod is the scripture and the words
of our modern day prophets. So why is it so important to read the scriptures?
Because they contain the words of eternal life; as we read the scriptures daily they will lift our thoughts heavenward. They provided an eternal
perspective that make all the distractions and fades that the world sends our
way seem meaningless. As our focus in on heaven, eternal life, and forever
families we are filled with a hope that motivates the correct course of action.
2. Don’t
let Go!!
After the people grabbed hold of the rod great mists of
darkness clouded the path and many lost their way. This would not have been
possible if they would not have let go of the iron rod. Today the mists of
darkness come in the form for intellectual and moral arguments based on logic.
To exaggerate a few: “A woman should be allowed to kill her unborn child
because it is still part of her body.” “Two people should have intimate
relationships, it is natural and very desirable, to hold out for marriage is a
waste of time.” “It is not reasonable that there should be a God.” Do any of
these sound familiar? If we are consistent with studying the scriptures,
praying, and heeding the words of our modern day prophets we will not get
confused and lost in the swirling mists of darkness. How many of us can list
the people that Kim Kardashian has been married to, but cannot remember what
President Monson talked about in his last conference talk?
3. Remember
which way you face.
As the people made their way to the tree of life and partook
of the fruit they found it to be delicious to their souls. But then in shame
many of them turned away. Discouraged by the taunts and jeers from the people
in the great and spacious building. Elder Lynn G. Ribbons in his recent general
conference address reminded us that we need to face the right way. Those who
get discouraged, ashamed of the testimony they had, and turn from the Lord do
so because they forget which way they face. We would do well to remember that
our accountability is to God. Look to the example of Daniel, who chose death
before he would stop praying. Or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who survived
the fiery furnace because they refused to worship the statue of Kind
Nebuchadnezzar. As we hold ourselves accountable to God and not to man we will
remain strong in the truth.
4. Be
prepared to answer hard questions.
Many will question you and your faith. Prepare for this by,
wait for it, studying the scriptures! Elder L. Tom Perry taught how to
graciously share the gospel in a talk in General Conference in October 2011.
Said he,
“We can help “disabuse the
public mind” and correct misinformation when we are portrayed as something we
are not. More important, though, we can share who we are.”
He then continued to tell the
saints to be bold in our declaration of Jesus Christ, to be righteous examples,
and to speak up about the Church. As we prepare ourselves and share the gospel
it will solidify and strengthen our own testimony.
5. Wait on the Lord.
The Book of Mosiah tells twin tales of two people who endured
similar hardships in two different manners. The people of King Noah were
captured and enslaved by the Lamanites. On three different occasions under the
leadership of King Limhi they went to battle to try to break the chains of
enslavement. Each time they were slaughtered and suffered debilitating losses.
Finally when they were sufficiently humbled the Lord provided a way for them to
escape, without bloodshed. Now compare that to the people of Alma the Elder.
They left the people of King Noah so they could practice their faith in peace.
But in the words of Mormon “Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his
people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.” Soon they were captured
by the Lamanites and also forced to be their slaves. The people of Alma
did cry to the Lord for deliverance. Their
faith was not in vain. “The Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up
their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to
all the will of the Lord.” Then finally after sufficient patience and faith had
been proven they were delivered from their captors. So when faced with
persecution are we going to fight or submit cheerfully to the will of the Lord?