This week kept me on my toes the whole time! It seemed to me like every day had its own note worthy story but I think the best one happened yesterday at the BYU vs Hawaii game. First lets rewind four or so months ago. I'm nearing the end of my mission serving with Fabrizio Cena and Sridar Paramalingam in central London. Sunday morning a group of enthusiastic Americans walk in bright eyed. I was so happy when each of them stood up that fast and testimony meeting and bore their testimonies about a great missionary opportunity that they had in a cab. Well they grabbed us afterwards and asked if they could get a few copies of the Book of Mormon so they could be prepared for their next chance at sharing the gospel. So i invited them to walk back to our office with us and we would get them some. Well along the way as we are chatting it turns out that they know of Fabio Cena. I guess he made quite a name for himself during his dancing days at BY prior to coming to London. By their reactions he was some what of a celebrity amongst that particular group. So we laughed about it and sent them on their way never expecting to see them again. Come Friday night I found myself with out a ticket and without a date to double with my roommate so I sat watching the game on the tele. When half time came around it was obvious that it wasn't much of a game, BYU had scored 20 unanswered points. So I figured I would try my luck and try to get in. Along the way I ran into Richie Edwards who gave me his pass since he saw all he wanted to and was escaping the cold. After I got past the ticket gates I had the problem of finding the right seat. Wondering from row to row, section by section I finally found it and sat down with a good two or three empty seat to either side of me. Then it happened. I looked to my left and saw two enthusiastic bright faces heading, over, under and through the crowd, my way. They had that unmistakable look in their eye; they knew who I was. I began to panic and looked away as I tried desperately to plan an escape route and figure out who they were. Well before i could come to a conclusion on either account there they were standing right next to me. They introduced themselves as Kendall and Nicolle and asked if I was Elder Solomon. Then they I made the connection as they explained that they ran into me in London! How random? I ended up spending the rest of the evening with them. Not a really manly end to the evening but they showed me their roof, we played catch phrase and sat around talking about soul mates, international humanitarian projects, and Europe. It was great fun!
Other key events from the week include a 16 hour night shift (shot me) finding a 30GB iPod in my couch, running a 7 minute mile (first time in a long time) and my daily fortune cookie being spot on with each day.
Now to start my pontifications. I love my job, mostly because with labor intensive jobs such as digging holes for plans the distractible portion of my brain is occupied with the mundane labor leaving a more intellectual part open for pondering. The other day I was trying to draw parallels between the teaching of the gospel and philosophy. I was thinking about universals. There is a prevailing idea that you cannot prove something to be true because there is always an antithesis waiting to revel its self. The Sophist used this to create a great feeling of skepticism across the Greek states. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle countered this idea by teaching about universals. If a concept or idea is found to apply universally then it must be true. For example. Dogs have four legs. They all do, yes some don't because they lost one but universally dogs have for legs. Therefore we can surmise that the statement 'dogs have four legs' is a true statement. So then I was trying to find the universals between the teachings of these different philosophers. Its important that each had their different ideas or else they would not have made a name in history, and I would not be studying them right now. However, for their ideas to have any importance and relevance there would need to be truth in them. So I tried a secular approach to finding truth by identifying universal opinions of these philosophers. The first I found was that the purpose of our existence as humans is to be happy. Yes, some interpreted happiness a bit differently but ultimately it came down to having peace in our mind and joy in our hearts. So the question is 'how do we obtain this happiness'? Plato taught that we are happy when we are good. Now to define good. We call a knife good which cuts properly, a boat good which floats properly, and a house good that shelters us properly. We identify something as good if it performs its primary functions according to expectations. So what does that say of us? We are 'good' when we do what we are suppose to do. When we act in the right manner. Then comes the ethical debate which has lasted for millenniums. How does one act right? Now looking at history and watching current political debates we still have not found the answer by taking a secular approach. Silly really because they whole time we have had the answers sitting in a Good Book. The gospel will always answer the questions that philosophy cannot. Revelations are always more valuable then research. Now all of these philosophical points can be found in Holy Writ. 'Adam fell that men might be; MEN ARE THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE JOY.' A familiar teaching from a prophet long ago which is congenial with the teachings of the ancient philosophers, that is our purpose is to find happiness. So we are to find happiness. We find happiness by being good. We are good when we act correctly. There are two parts to acting correctly. First you need to know what the correct choice is. Second you have to make the decision to do the right thing when it is time for the choice. Seems easy but when it comes down to it it can be a pretty daunting task. Now let me talk for a bit about our Father in Heaven. His purpose is a little different then ours. He already has obtained a full measure of joy, being an exalted Being and all. So His focus has changed a little more. He tells us 'My work and my glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man' or in short. 'My purpose is to help you become happy, eternally happy, like me.' All of a sudden this daunting task become a little less daunting. The great thing is that He takes care of all the hard parts, such as changing our hearts, working out immortality, and satisfying justice. Each is worthy or a sermon in itself but for now I want to focus on the process that He puts us through to help us become 'good' and find happiness. It is important to note here that unlike Aristotle's Allegory of the Cave, we are not dragged for stage of enlightenment to stage of enlightenment. God works we us as long and as far as we allow Him to through our humility and eagerness to learn. Right having said that, here is the process; justification, purification, sanctification, and salvation. For me definitions are extremely important so let me share with you my perceived definitions of these words and explain their purpose is becoming good. Justification- becoming right with the law. Each of us develop our own perception of truth as we gain life experience. Truth is truth and when it comes to the eternities and their principles it does not change according to perception. Truth is never false but our perceptions can be. With false perceptions we cannot act in accordance with truth. Therefore to act is a right manner we have to know what the right manner is. The act of justification in this sense is when the Lord teaches us and changes our perception of truth to be accurate and 'in line' with His. It is a 'line upon line' process where we are taught 'things as they really are'. Of course this comes through receiving individual testimonies bore to us by the Holy Spirit. It comes from asking, seeking, and knocking. It comes from 'diligently searching in the Light of Christ.' Then, ultimately, listening and responding. Justification is how our mental image and perception of the world around us becomes bona fide. Being Justified we can then be purified. As we go through life we make mistakes, some ignorantly, other mistakes we make hoping good will come of it, and some we are just out right rebellious and malicious. While becoming justified we learn that no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven. This is where purification comes in. Purification is being cleansed of all impurities. Now there are many points that can be included in that. Purified from past transgressions. Purified of evil and wrong desires. Purified of guilt. Eventually if we are to become 'good' we need to be completely purified in all senses. Fundamentally entire purification begins and ends with a purification of our heart. This is an act which is performed by God. As we are justified the Lord promises that He will give us a new heart. "A new heart also will i give you, and a new spirit will i put within you: and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and i will give you an heart of flesh." (Ezek. 36;26) With this new heart we will have no more desire to do evil, but to do good continually, and will will not be able to look on sin save with abhorrence. After God justifies us he will purify us. Next is sanctification. To be sanctified is to be made holy, or to be separated and set apart for a holy purpose. Sanctification is when we completely turn ourselves over to God. When we dedicate all our time, efforts, and resources to the building up of His kingdom and the establishment of Zion. This is the complete and total submission which Elder Neal A. Maxwell so frequently spoke about. This is when we are invited to and become 'one' with the Son as he is 'one' with the Father. This is when we give to him the only thing that is uniquely ours to give. The one thing God will never take from us. I speak of our Free Agency. Sounds like a high offer, but if we correctly go through the first two processes it will be an easy decision to make. If we fully understand the implications and as cleaned from our selfish desires sanctification will be an honor and a privilege we will humbly and gratefully accept. Last is Salvation. To be saved is to be put beyond the reach of our enemies. It is at this point that we are put beyond the bounds of death and hells powers. We will receive a sure word of prophecy that there is a place in the mansions of heaven prepared for us. When we are saved our ability to act correctly in no longer limited and we will be eligible for complete happiness. Thus fulfilling our purpose. All of this possible because of Jesus Christ. His infinite and eternal sacrifice, performed on our behalf, gave him all the necessary tools to help us on our way. He satisfied the demands of justice making purification possible. Being full of grace and truth he is able to justify us by teaching us the right way. His grace makes it possible for us to do thing which are beyond our capabilities thus allowing us to turn our hearts and our everything to him and be sanctified. I am so grateful for all of this. I know that happiness is Gods ultimate design for us. I also know that true, complete happiness is obtainable, because I have tasted it. Just today in fact as I walked in the doors of the Holy Temple, and each time I feel and here the whisper of the Still Small Voice telling me that I'm a stranger and a wanderer here, destined for higher things and celestial realms. I know that as we live and follow the teachings of Christ we become 'good' and find happiness.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
From the Provo River to The Red Sea
Another week come and gone with a new one coming! My body feels like I have been fighting monster waves that just keep coming and coming without respite but my mind feels like a thirsty sponge! I feel like I hardly have enough time to reflect on what has just transpired before its time again to start on the next task. Early this week I had a brilliant idea hatch in my mind that I spent hours thinking on and planning. It came as most revelations do these days, while working in the blistering sun moving shovel after shovel of dirt in effort to beautify an off ramp the most people will only have about one second to admire as they speed past in the race of life. I had this brilliant idea for a fun date to travel up the canyon and next to the Provo river build little boats and race them. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I could just see the glorious moment dropping the beautiful boat in and watching it champion-like dive and bob over the rapids tenaciously holding itself together then I could see myself lovingly picking it out of the water at the end of the voyage like a proud father hugging his son after a great performance in a football game. So began the planning and problem solving. First problem if there is no girl there is no date. This wasn't a problem as a day or two later the opportunity presented itself and after a bit of conversing Emma Cutillo from our ward graciously agreed to tolerate me for an afternoon. Next problem supplies. Well I plant trees for a living and one day I noticed that we were just throwing away bamboo shoots that we were using to support the trees as we transported them. So I summed up the courage to ask my foreman Cohan Fish,
"Hey, are we just going to throw theses away or can I take them?"
"Uh, well, yea I don't think we are going to use them for anything," then he chuckled and looked at me quizzically and asked, "What are you going to do with them?"
So I explained my brilliant plan and we got excited about it as well suggesting different ideas and such. So at the end of the day he let me use the saw to cut the ten foot poles into usable pieces and put them in my car. Then at his suggestion I keep two at full length to use to dislodge the boats incase they got stuck on the river. It was quite a sight to behold my beautiful little sports car, sun roof open, radio blazing, and two bamboo sticks protruding out the top in a very unconventional way. I felt that if I tied a gas can to the end of them people would think that I was using it to lead my car along. Again I got a few queer looks from my roommates when they saw all the random bamboo. Again they loved the idea and gave different suggestions. Third problem, I needed a double. This initially isn't ever a problem to get some 'commitments' but as usual these 'commitments' bounced when it was time to call it all in. I asked an lined up three different guys to come with us on this amazing date that I had been dreaming about for a week, each of them informed me Friday afternoon that they could not come. So typical of my life. So I went to my go to man Tyler Potts. Well turned out he had plans to go out on another date that morning (Saturday) but since our date was in the afternoon he might be able to make it. So I crossed my fingers and hoped that he could. Well like the man he is Tyler was able to find a date to come with us and I got this wonderful news just after midnight before the date. So the plan was to go to Deseret Industries and buy a captain for the boats (a doll) and a sail/flag. So I picked up my date at four absolutely giddy with excitement it wasn't until we had gotten to my car that I realized that I had not told her what we were going to be doing! Way to go Bright-one, real smooth I feel like this is one of those moments that Mike Brockdorff at Comfort System (my old boss) would shake his head and call me 'Not-So'. Well we met Tyler and Blaire at DI and started our game. The boys had to be blind and the girls couldn't speak. The guy knew what they needed to get but had a limited vocabulary to use. This turned out to be really fun but kinda nerve racking. Next thing I knew we had rushed through the store and I was standing at the check out this a naked barbie With the wildest red hair I had ever seen with a Scottish patterned cloth to be used as a flag. And yes because of Emma's expertise guiding we made it back first. Next we headed up the river and began building our boats. After strategizing for a bit we decided to model our boat in the catamaran style. Well being an Eagle Scout and all (Thanks mom;) I knew a thing or two about lashings and shared this wisdom with Emma who was more then eager to learn. (Maybe she was just bored of watching me excitedly working away on 'our' project). Well after guiding her through a few I left our table to grab something and came back to find that she had perfected her lashing skills and made my knots look like a child and made them. Hiding my embarrassment I complemented her on them and busily tied our Captain Barbie to the mast and prep'd the HMS Emma for her maiden voyage. The Gray Sailed Raft Piloted by the infamous Snow Bear with his red hat was ready for launch. So after a few pictures and taunts we grabbed our guiding poles and headed to the river. Off they went. HMS Emma gracefully glided across the turbulent current and rapids until Captain Barbie had successfully guided her past the first bend in the river. Unfortunately the Gray Sailed Raft had capsized after the first rapids and was top under struggling along. Due to the growth on the sides of the river we could not run along and cheer on our boats as I desperately wanted to. So we hopped into the cars and drove tot he next available view point and waited for the vessels to round the bend. Well the impatient seconds turned to minutes and still no boats. Tyler volunteered for him and Blair to go back and look for them leaving poor Emma to listen to my philosophical ramblings for what I'm sure seemed like an eternity for her. When Tyler and Blair returned the carried bad news, and each others hands (atta boy!). The HMS Emma had become lodged in a thick tangle of brush on the far side of the river utterly unreachable with our risking hypothermia, and the Gray Sailed Raft was no where to be seen, presumed to be sunk, her brave captain lost at river. Not quite the way I had envisioned it all turning out but hey I had fun!
I think that I enjoy studying philosophy so much because it discusses and analyzes deep subjects that often and spiritual connections. So in philosophizing about politics and the well-fare and realization of a 'good state' or a stated that performs its proper function. I found it interesting that one of the key elements is teaching the people philosophy. He held that if every one was philosophical society as a whole would be better because they would have a greater knowledge of good ethics and behavior. Well I began trying to imagine what that would be like and how that would accomplish peace. That is when the city of Zion came to mind. Zion was a city founded by the prophet leader Enoch. Zion was know a a city of one heart and one mind, without contention and sin. Eventually the city of Zion was taken up to dwell on high. I began to make connections between Plato's teaching and Enoch's people. Enoch was the great teacher that was able to help the people so clearly understand the doctrine that they lived in complete harmony. Can you imagine that? All the people understanding the doctrine the same and well enough that they actually lived it?! What an amazing thought, I would have loved to see such a society. I read something recently that made one of my hero's even more of a hero to me. Mormon, the main 'editor' of the Book of Mormon responsible for compiling the books together grew up in times quite opposite to the society of Enoch. War was a wide spread across the land as was apostasy. People went after strange god's and strange practices, society began to decay and the true teachings of Christ were basically left but Mormon in the midst of all this was perceived to be a 'sober child and quick to observe' by the latest prophet an keeper of the records and at the age ten entrusted with their hidden location. Mormon went on the be a great prophet who despite continual death threats continued to peach repentance to a past feeling blood thirsty people. We are kind of in a similar world with different distractions and temptations and yet we are to seek out and establish Zion the society of Enoch. We are told to be in the world but not of the world. When I was in England my good friend Baruch constrained me to go to a Jewish Synagogue with him. After three hours of listening to Hebrew chanting the Rabbi stood and gave an interesting insight. There is a Hebrew word used in the Torah which is translated into English as ' in the midst of'. It is used to describe how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea 'in the midst of' the waters. As well as when Moses ascended into the mountain and walked 'in the midst of' the cloud which the Lord was in. In both cases the subject was in but not a part of the surrounding substance. The Israelites walked through the sea but did not get wet. Likewise the Rabbi described that the cloud did not envelope Moses but surrounded him and parted for him as he passed through it. Then came his invitation. We are all to be 'in the midst' of the world. In it but not enveloped by it. I loved this teaching and it really has stuck with me. I know that this is the call for us to respond to. Although the pressure is on in these last days we can do it! If Mormon can stay righteous going through what he did we can to! If we ever rely on the Source of our strength which is Christ. He will sustain us and up hold us by his ever omnipotent hand.
"Hey, are we just going to throw theses away or can I take them?"
"Uh, well, yea I don't think we are going to use them for anything," then he chuckled and looked at me quizzically and asked, "What are you going to do with them?"
So I explained my brilliant plan and we got excited about it as well suggesting different ideas and such. So at the end of the day he let me use the saw to cut the ten foot poles into usable pieces and put them in my car. Then at his suggestion I keep two at full length to use to dislodge the boats incase they got stuck on the river. It was quite a sight to behold my beautiful little sports car, sun roof open, radio blazing, and two bamboo sticks protruding out the top in a very unconventional way. I felt that if I tied a gas can to the end of them people would think that I was using it to lead my car along. Again I got a few queer looks from my roommates when they saw all the random bamboo. Again they loved the idea and gave different suggestions. Third problem, I needed a double. This initially isn't ever a problem to get some 'commitments' but as usual these 'commitments' bounced when it was time to call it all in. I asked an lined up three different guys to come with us on this amazing date that I had been dreaming about for a week, each of them informed me Friday afternoon that they could not come. So typical of my life. So I went to my go to man Tyler Potts. Well turned out he had plans to go out on another date that morning (Saturday) but since our date was in the afternoon he might be able to make it. So I crossed my fingers and hoped that he could. Well like the man he is Tyler was able to find a date to come with us and I got this wonderful news just after midnight before the date. So the plan was to go to Deseret Industries and buy a captain for the boats (a doll) and a sail/flag. So I picked up my date at four absolutely giddy with excitement it wasn't until we had gotten to my car that I realized that I had not told her what we were going to be doing! Way to go Bright-one, real smooth I feel like this is one of those moments that Mike Brockdorff at Comfort System (my old boss) would shake his head and call me 'Not-So'. Well we met Tyler and Blaire at DI and started our game. The boys had to be blind and the girls couldn't speak. The guy knew what they needed to get but had a limited vocabulary to use. This turned out to be really fun but kinda nerve racking. Next thing I knew we had rushed through the store and I was standing at the check out this a naked barbie With the wildest red hair I had ever seen with a Scottish patterned cloth to be used as a flag. And yes because of Emma's expertise guiding we made it back first. Next we headed up the river and began building our boats. After strategizing for a bit we decided to model our boat in the catamaran style. Well being an Eagle Scout and all (Thanks mom;) I knew a thing or two about lashings and shared this wisdom with Emma who was more then eager to learn. (Maybe she was just bored of watching me excitedly working away on 'our' project). Well after guiding her through a few I left our table to grab something and came back to find that she had perfected her lashing skills and made my knots look like a child and made them. Hiding my embarrassment I complemented her on them and busily tied our Captain Barbie to the mast and prep'd the HMS Emma for her maiden voyage. The Gray Sailed Raft Piloted by the infamous Snow Bear with his red hat was ready for launch. So after a few pictures and taunts we grabbed our guiding poles and headed to the river. Off they went. HMS Emma gracefully glided across the turbulent current and rapids until Captain Barbie had successfully guided her past the first bend in the river. Unfortunately the Gray Sailed Raft had capsized after the first rapids and was top under struggling along. Due to the growth on the sides of the river we could not run along and cheer on our boats as I desperately wanted to. So we hopped into the cars and drove tot he next available view point and waited for the vessels to round the bend. Well the impatient seconds turned to minutes and still no boats. Tyler volunteered for him and Blair to go back and look for them leaving poor Emma to listen to my philosophical ramblings for what I'm sure seemed like an eternity for her. When Tyler and Blair returned the carried bad news, and each others hands (atta boy!). The HMS Emma had become lodged in a thick tangle of brush on the far side of the river utterly unreachable with our risking hypothermia, and the Gray Sailed Raft was no where to be seen, presumed to be sunk, her brave captain lost at river. Not quite the way I had envisioned it all turning out but hey I had fun!
I think that I enjoy studying philosophy so much because it discusses and analyzes deep subjects that often and spiritual connections. So in philosophizing about politics and the well-fare and realization of a 'good state' or a stated that performs its proper function. I found it interesting that one of the key elements is teaching the people philosophy. He held that if every one was philosophical society as a whole would be better because they would have a greater knowledge of good ethics and behavior. Well I began trying to imagine what that would be like and how that would accomplish peace. That is when the city of Zion came to mind. Zion was a city founded by the prophet leader Enoch. Zion was know a a city of one heart and one mind, without contention and sin. Eventually the city of Zion was taken up to dwell on high. I began to make connections between Plato's teaching and Enoch's people. Enoch was the great teacher that was able to help the people so clearly understand the doctrine that they lived in complete harmony. Can you imagine that? All the people understanding the doctrine the same and well enough that they actually lived it?! What an amazing thought, I would have loved to see such a society. I read something recently that made one of my hero's even more of a hero to me. Mormon, the main 'editor' of the Book of Mormon responsible for compiling the books together grew up in times quite opposite to the society of Enoch. War was a wide spread across the land as was apostasy. People went after strange god's and strange practices, society began to decay and the true teachings of Christ were basically left but Mormon in the midst of all this was perceived to be a 'sober child and quick to observe' by the latest prophet an keeper of the records and at the age ten entrusted with their hidden location. Mormon went on the be a great prophet who despite continual death threats continued to peach repentance to a past feeling blood thirsty people. We are kind of in a similar world with different distractions and temptations and yet we are to seek out and establish Zion the society of Enoch. We are told to be in the world but not of the world. When I was in England my good friend Baruch constrained me to go to a Jewish Synagogue with him. After three hours of listening to Hebrew chanting the Rabbi stood and gave an interesting insight. There is a Hebrew word used in the Torah which is translated into English as ' in the midst of'. It is used to describe how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea 'in the midst of' the waters. As well as when Moses ascended into the mountain and walked 'in the midst of' the cloud which the Lord was in. In both cases the subject was in but not a part of the surrounding substance. The Israelites walked through the sea but did not get wet. Likewise the Rabbi described that the cloud did not envelope Moses but surrounded him and parted for him as he passed through it. Then came his invitation. We are all to be 'in the midst' of the world. In it but not enveloped by it. I loved this teaching and it really has stuck with me. I know that this is the call for us to respond to. Although the pressure is on in these last days we can do it! If Mormon can stay righteous going through what he did we can to! If we ever rely on the Source of our strength which is Christ. He will sustain us and up hold us by his ever omnipotent hand.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Politics, Philosophy, and Paintbrushes
It has been a while since I updated this thing and man have I got a lot to say! If only if only I had the time. Of the vast list of things I want to talk about I've concluded to just bore you with three. Namely, political rants, my study of philosophy, and some scriptural insights from the last two weeks. I promise that if you can endure the first the second and third topics should be interesting.
Right, so recently I put the New York Times App on my phone and it has become a daily habit the read the top stories over a bowl of cereal at five in the morning. Because this is the first thing to enter into my head in the morning it stays on my mind for most of my monotonous day of shoveling therefore these thoughts have been incubated long enough that they are ready to be shared. My question is this: when did a political debate and campaign aim change from 'I'm the best candidate and this is why' to ' he's the worst candidate and this is why!'? Honestly I have not heard the Obama campaign say anything positive about Obama other then he is better then Mitt because Mitt is a tax scoundrel liar who can't relate to the American people. Sounds to me like a handful of high school girls gossiping about and back stabbing the leading candidate for that years homecoming queen. I want to hear about, clearly stated, each parties plans ( including goals and how they are going to achieve them ) and positive selling points about their character and trustworthiness. Backstabbing and slander only lead me to trust someone less.
I was going to go into the Libyan riots but I don't want to get flustered, so suffice it to say I'm glad that Mormons don't start burning things whenever someone says something negative about their temples. That would just make the whole 'only true and living church's point a bit more difficult for the missionaries to share.
Interjectory note! WalMart great value food is awesome! ... Except one fact, they have no flavor. The bacon rates the same as the chicken which taste like the cheese and tortilla. Makes for a rather boring cheese and bacon quesadilla.
Currently I am studying philosophy. An introduction to philosophy really. So far I've studied the main thoughts of the ancient Greeks from Thales of Miletus to Plato and let me just say I think that some of these men were incredibly inspired, of course however, there were a couple of coouk coouk birds in the mix. Like Thrasymachus who philosophyed that injustice is to be preferred to a life of justice. That one who break laws an moral codes for gain is superior to those who subject themselves to them. It is interesting to note that those who held tightly to a moral sense of duty to do 'the right thing' seemed to come up with ideas that felt good to the soul. They didn't just say pleasing things to itching ears but spoke truth that struck a deep core. Look at the bad examples of the Sophist. They were largely skeptics who thought that truth is impossible to find and everything is relative. Whatever we define as truth is then truth. They also mastered the skill of rhetoric or persuasive speaking. So essentially they were really good at getting people to believe what they believed. Also they offered their 'wisdom' at a high price. Then came Socrates (good example) a man who felt it was his mission to restore a sense of reliable absolute truth and also to teach people how to discover it. Though early on Socrates was a pupil of the Sophist, later he proved an annoyer of their teachings to the point that that wrongly accused him, and falsely condemned him to death. Rather then escape this unfair punishment Socrates thought it better to uphold the laws and the government an drank the deadly prescribed hemlock. This deeply influenced his own pupil Plato who furthered the working his predecessor. Now let me get to the main pondering points from my readings.
From Protagoras of Abdera ( a Sophist) we are taught that laws and customs are relative to a point. That those who are in power are the ones who establish truth and laws and their subordinates are morally bound to obey them. He was right, but only if you take his idea to a much grander level. He was speaking of Greek provinces and Mediterranean settlements but I was thinking of universes and eternities. We know from the Doctrines an Covenants and other holy scripture that truth was ordained of God from the beginning. I can't really remember the exact scripture but I do remember having the thought while reading that 'in the beginning' God decided what would be truth. Thus truth is relative to what God ( the ultimate power that be) says it is. Chalk one up for Protagoras.
I don't even know where to begin with Socrates. I basically aced the test on him because I found what he had to say so amazing, interesting, and soul enriching. It was cool to see that a lot of the conclusions he came to and points he made were things that this ignorant me pondered on and philosophized about over and over again while on the other side of the pond. Just ask Elder Thayne Thompson he usually was the companion exchange that I bounced my ideas off of. First he says the examined life is not worth living! Bold but so poignant. We need to take time to look within and evaluate. Calculate the distance between reality an our dreams. Plan to close the gap, reflect on progress and steem digression. Second knowledge is virtue and ignorance is vice. He postulates that no person performs an evil act with the purpose of being malignant. Most will disagree but let me continue. One thing he said that I had come to realize while serving the Lord is that we all are striving to: A. Act rationally and B. pursue happiness. Often times rationality will be overridden by our desire for happiness. In other words we will do stupid things because we think they will make us happy. Thus some people will storm an embassy, burn a flag and murder innocent people because they believe that their 'just cause' will bring them greater happiness. So we see the human error. The less knowledge we have the less ability we will have to see what actions will bring us happiness and which actually lead to misery. Can we now see why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto the salvation of men? It teaches us how to be celestial beings! A fullness if joy comes to those who have become saints through the blood of the Lamb AND whose actions have been just according to the laws and dictates of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is essential to our happiness because it teaches us in what manner we must act to be happy! Simple as that! Connecting the two, knowledge and virtue that is, is exactly what Joseph Smith did when he revealed that a man is saved no faster then he can gain knowledge, and a man cannot be saved in ignorance. Like music to my soul! Know good and act good. Also Socrates introduced the concept of the soul as the center of our intelligence and character. Beautiful, just beautiful. The two must important things we have, centered in the only part of us that is immortal. Now I've just begun reading about Plato but he seems promising. First he believed ( as do I ) that our souls existed before they came to our bodies and in that pre-mortal existence they were taught about the Forms or essence of all things. Forms being a type of perfect infrastructure for something. These Forms having originated and now exist in the mind of God. He believed that we lived with and we taught by God before we existed physically!!! Sound familiar to any of you Mormons? I'm just giddy with excitement! He also taught that there is a class to these forms, that some envelop others but all come under one Form. The Form of Good, which is God. Do you see what this implies? We are constantly judging things and rating them. For example 'that's ugly!' or in other words 'this is less beautiful then that' so object one has less beauty then another. It more closely resembles the Form or essence of Beauty and is, therefore, more beautiful. Now to say that they all fall under the same head of the Form of Good is to say that everything in this physical world which resembles one or multiple Forms (which is everything) is based on Good. Positive not negative. So people are not 'cowards', they just resemble the essence of Courage less. People are not 'mean' they are just displaying less Kindness. Now this might seem to some of you hard core people that is is just one of those 'everyone is a winner' statements, but let me say, we are all children of God are we not? Then yes we are all winners because of the potential that lies within each of us. Now just as an artist can help a piece of canvas more closely resemble the essence of Beauty with a few strokes of his brush so can our Father in Heaven help us more closely resemble the essence of Good which He is. The Atonement of Christ is the paint brush medium that He uses for that purpose! Isn't it great to see how this all fits together? Well I hope that my powers of expression are good enough to present this all in an understandable way. I'm grateful for inspired men who share with us their God given knowledge.
I was going to share my scriptural insights but I basically have in my philosophy discourse.
Please if I was off on anything of if you have any comments feel free to contact me or email me and let me know! I'd love to hear from you!
Right, so recently I put the New York Times App on my phone and it has become a daily habit the read the top stories over a bowl of cereal at five in the morning. Because this is the first thing to enter into my head in the morning it stays on my mind for most of my monotonous day of shoveling therefore these thoughts have been incubated long enough that they are ready to be shared. My question is this: when did a political debate and campaign aim change from 'I'm the best candidate and this is why' to ' he's the worst candidate and this is why!'? Honestly I have not heard the Obama campaign say anything positive about Obama other then he is better then Mitt because Mitt is a tax scoundrel liar who can't relate to the American people. Sounds to me like a handful of high school girls gossiping about and back stabbing the leading candidate for that years homecoming queen. I want to hear about, clearly stated, each parties plans ( including goals and how they are going to achieve them ) and positive selling points about their character and trustworthiness. Backstabbing and slander only lead me to trust someone less.
I was going to go into the Libyan riots but I don't want to get flustered, so suffice it to say I'm glad that Mormons don't start burning things whenever someone says something negative about their temples. That would just make the whole 'only true and living church's point a bit more difficult for the missionaries to share.
Interjectory note! WalMart great value food is awesome! ... Except one fact, they have no flavor. The bacon rates the same as the chicken which taste like the cheese and tortilla. Makes for a rather boring cheese and bacon quesadilla.
Currently I am studying philosophy. An introduction to philosophy really. So far I've studied the main thoughts of the ancient Greeks from Thales of Miletus to Plato and let me just say I think that some of these men were incredibly inspired, of course however, there were a couple of coouk coouk birds in the mix. Like Thrasymachus who philosophyed that injustice is to be preferred to a life of justice. That one who break laws an moral codes for gain is superior to those who subject themselves to them. It is interesting to note that those who held tightly to a moral sense of duty to do 'the right thing' seemed to come up with ideas that felt good to the soul. They didn't just say pleasing things to itching ears but spoke truth that struck a deep core. Look at the bad examples of the Sophist. They were largely skeptics who thought that truth is impossible to find and everything is relative. Whatever we define as truth is then truth. They also mastered the skill of rhetoric or persuasive speaking. So essentially they were really good at getting people to believe what they believed. Also they offered their 'wisdom' at a high price. Then came Socrates (good example) a man who felt it was his mission to restore a sense of reliable absolute truth and also to teach people how to discover it. Though early on Socrates was a pupil of the Sophist, later he proved an annoyer of their teachings to the point that that wrongly accused him, and falsely condemned him to death. Rather then escape this unfair punishment Socrates thought it better to uphold the laws and the government an drank the deadly prescribed hemlock. This deeply influenced his own pupil Plato who furthered the working his predecessor. Now let me get to the main pondering points from my readings.
From Protagoras of Abdera ( a Sophist) we are taught that laws and customs are relative to a point. That those who are in power are the ones who establish truth and laws and their subordinates are morally bound to obey them. He was right, but only if you take his idea to a much grander level. He was speaking of Greek provinces and Mediterranean settlements but I was thinking of universes and eternities. We know from the Doctrines an Covenants and other holy scripture that truth was ordained of God from the beginning. I can't really remember the exact scripture but I do remember having the thought while reading that 'in the beginning' God decided what would be truth. Thus truth is relative to what God ( the ultimate power that be) says it is. Chalk one up for Protagoras.
I don't even know where to begin with Socrates. I basically aced the test on him because I found what he had to say so amazing, interesting, and soul enriching. It was cool to see that a lot of the conclusions he came to and points he made were things that this ignorant me pondered on and philosophized about over and over again while on the other side of the pond. Just ask Elder Thayne Thompson he usually was the companion exchange that I bounced my ideas off of. First he says the examined life is not worth living! Bold but so poignant. We need to take time to look within and evaluate. Calculate the distance between reality an our dreams. Plan to close the gap, reflect on progress and steem digression. Second knowledge is virtue and ignorance is vice. He postulates that no person performs an evil act with the purpose of being malignant. Most will disagree but let me continue. One thing he said that I had come to realize while serving the Lord is that we all are striving to: A. Act rationally and B. pursue happiness. Often times rationality will be overridden by our desire for happiness. In other words we will do stupid things because we think they will make us happy. Thus some people will storm an embassy, burn a flag and murder innocent people because they believe that their 'just cause' will bring them greater happiness. So we see the human error. The less knowledge we have the less ability we will have to see what actions will bring us happiness and which actually lead to misery. Can we now see why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto the salvation of men? It teaches us how to be celestial beings! A fullness if joy comes to those who have become saints through the blood of the Lamb AND whose actions have been just according to the laws and dictates of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is essential to our happiness because it teaches us in what manner we must act to be happy! Simple as that! Connecting the two, knowledge and virtue that is, is exactly what Joseph Smith did when he revealed that a man is saved no faster then he can gain knowledge, and a man cannot be saved in ignorance. Like music to my soul! Know good and act good. Also Socrates introduced the concept of the soul as the center of our intelligence and character. Beautiful, just beautiful. The two must important things we have, centered in the only part of us that is immortal. Now I've just begun reading about Plato but he seems promising. First he believed ( as do I ) that our souls existed before they came to our bodies and in that pre-mortal existence they were taught about the Forms or essence of all things. Forms being a type of perfect infrastructure for something. These Forms having originated and now exist in the mind of God. He believed that we lived with and we taught by God before we existed physically!!! Sound familiar to any of you Mormons? I'm just giddy with excitement! He also taught that there is a class to these forms, that some envelop others but all come under one Form. The Form of Good, which is God. Do you see what this implies? We are constantly judging things and rating them. For example 'that's ugly!' or in other words 'this is less beautiful then that' so object one has less beauty then another. It more closely resembles the Form or essence of Beauty and is, therefore, more beautiful. Now to say that they all fall under the same head of the Form of Good is to say that everything in this physical world which resembles one or multiple Forms (which is everything) is based on Good. Positive not negative. So people are not 'cowards', they just resemble the essence of Courage less. People are not 'mean' they are just displaying less Kindness. Now this might seem to some of you hard core people that is is just one of those 'everyone is a winner' statements, but let me say, we are all children of God are we not? Then yes we are all winners because of the potential that lies within each of us. Now just as an artist can help a piece of canvas more closely resemble the essence of Beauty with a few strokes of his brush so can our Father in Heaven help us more closely resemble the essence of Good which He is. The Atonement of Christ is the paint brush medium that He uses for that purpose! Isn't it great to see how this all fits together? Well I hope that my powers of expression are good enough to present this all in an understandable way. I'm grateful for inspired men who share with us their God given knowledge.
I was going to share my scriptural insights but I basically have in my philosophy discourse.
Please if I was off on anything of if you have any comments feel free to contact me or email me and let me know! I'd love to hear from you!
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